- 論文の詳細を見る
The availability of greater volumes of woody biomass would be advantageous for Japan. The objective of this studywas to examine problems regarding the use of wood chips as fuel in Kagoshima through investigations of two sawmillsthat are wood chip fuel producers and three consumers. The consumers included an eel cultivation facility, a public spa,and an elder care facility. The available volume of wood chips from the sawmills was calculated and compared with thepresent fuel chip demand. The supply was sufficient because the present demand was estimated to be less than 5% ofthe production capacity. On the other hand, the production capacity of the dried (low-moisture content) chips was lessthan one and a half times the demand. The initial cost of introducing a wood chip boiler for high-moisture chip fuel wouldbe higher than that of one for dried-chip fuel. It would be necessary to supply a sufficient volume of dried chips to meetthe demand required for the use of a wood chip boiler.
- 2012-03-01
- 林業技術者養成への取り組み(北から南から,Information)
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- 放置モウソウチク林の林分構造と地上部現存量
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