- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on unpublished sources of the Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) this study traces the imports of spectacles, magnifying glasses, telescopes and microscopes during the 17th and early 18th century. For each of these items it is shown when and how it was introduced to Japan and in which quantities it was delivered during the first decades. Technical specifications are given as well as the name of Japanese officials who received these optical instruments as presents or bought it as a high priced commodity. Furthermore the introduction of glass blowing is clarified for the first time and some light is shed on Mori Ninzaemon, one of the first Japanese telescope makers.While telescopes were introduced soon after their invention in amazing quantitites, it took more than a century for the first imports of microscopes to take place because they were considered to be less useful. For similar reasons the import of magnifying glasses was interrupted in 1668 when the Tokugawa regime declared a series of commodities to be unnecessary and therefore not welcome any more. Spectacles were brought to Japan throughout the 17th century, but the Dutch dealt mainly in small quantities of expensive and therefore lucrative models often sold together with lavish cases.
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- エンゲルベルト・ケンペルからみた日本語
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- カスパル・シャムベルゲルとカスパル流外科(I)
- 日本におけるカスパル・シャムベルゲルの活動について
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- シーボルト記念館蔵『阿蘭陀草花鏡図』の検討
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- 72) シーボルト記念館蔵の「阿蘭陀草花鏡図」とその背景について(日本歯科医史学会第30回(平成14年度)学術大会一般演題抄録)
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- カスパル・シャムベルゲルとカスパル流外科 (上)
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