Clematis属植物とその関連生薬の研究(第8報) : Clematis uncinataおよび近縁種の地上部に由来する「威霊仙」
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The Chinese crude drug "Wei ling xian" (威霊仙) is derived from the underground portions of Clematis species. However, the aerial parts of the plants are also sold under the same name in Guangxi (広西壮族自治区) and Sichuan (四川省) Provinces. Through a comparative anatomical study of the leaflets, the botanical origins of the aerial part "Wei ling xian" drugs sold in Guangxi Province and Sichuan Province were proved to be C. uncinata CHAMP, and C. leiocarpa OLIV. (= C. uncinata var. coriacea PAMP.), respectively. However, it is wrong to use the aerial part of Clematis species as "Wei ling xian."
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1990-03-20
- ロシア沿海州で採集された植物リスト : 金沢大学21世紀COEプログラム成果報告
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