茵〓蒿中のScoparone, CapillarinとCapillinの定量
- 論文の詳細を見る
Quantitative analysis of scoparone, capillarin and capillin in decoctions of "inchinko" and "inchinko-to" was conducted as below. The substances were extracted with ethyl acetate from the decoctions, separated by thin-layer chromatography, and then extracted from the plates with chloroform. The quantity of scoparone (X,μg) was calculated from the following formula, in which Y is the absorbance of scoparone in chloroform solution at 345 nm: X=92,336Y+0.046. The quantities of capillarin and capillin were determined by gas chromatography using anthracene as internal standard. The ratio (x) of the quantity of capillarin or of capillin to anthracene was calculated using the following equations, in which y is the ratio of the peak heights of each substance to that of anthracene: for capillarin, x=1.890y+0.138; capillin, x=0.688y+0.049. Using the above methods, the concentration of scoparone, capillarin and capillin in the decoctions of "inchinko," "inchinko-to" and in head flowers of Artemisia japonica KUNTH, and also the concentration of scoparone in head flowers of A. capillaris THUNB., collected at various habitats in Japan, were measured.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1978-09-20
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