- 論文の詳細を見る
According to the literature, the crude drug "Bakkatsu" is the dried rhizome of Smilax china L.. Since we found the necessity of clarifying the plant source of this drug found on the market, we have carried out histological studies on the rhizomes and roots of six species of Smilax (Liliaceae) and compared the findings with those on the plant substance found in marketed "Bakkatsu". Marked differences were observed in hypodermis, endodermis and vascular bundles of the rhizomes. 1) The hypodermis is not observed clearly in S. biflora SIEBOLD, ex MIQUEL var. trinervula (MIQUEL) HATUSIMA et T. KOYAMA. The thickening of the walls of hypodermal cells is found in the other five species; in four species uniformly and in S. china except in the inner tangential wall. 2) The endodermis is observed only in S. china and S. biflora var. trinervula. 3) The vascular bundles of the steles of rhizomes are usually collateral. In S. riparia A. DC. var. ussuriensis (REGEL) HARA et T. KOYAMA and S. nipponica MIQUEL, amphivasal bundles are also found. The structure of "Bakkatsu" was found to be identical with that of the rhizome of S. china.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1966-12-30
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