- 論文の詳細を見る
The crude drug, Folia Pruni zippelianae, is rarely used as the substitute of Folia Laurocerasi of Europe, for preparing Bakuchi-water in Japan. Recently the crude drug, so-called Bakuchi-leaves (Folia Pruni zippelianae) from Kagoshima prefecture in Kyushu districts are stocked in the market of Osaka. But they are supposed to be the counterfeit, as they do not present cyan reaction, though their leaves are resembling to Bakuchi-leaves in the shape. And they are clearely different from the leaves of Prunus genus, as they have no nectaries on the peitole or the base of the leaves. After our detailed investigations, it proved that they have the same characteristics of Symplocos genus of Symplocaceae, quite different family from Rosaceae. Of Symplocos genus grown in Kyushu districts, two species was selected for our study, S. theophraetasfolia and S. glauca, those of which resemble to Prunus zippeliana in the shape of the leaves, and their internal structures of these leaves were compaired. The results showed that so-called Bakuchi-leaves on the market of Osaka is definitely identified as the leaves of Symplocos theophrastaefolia.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1964-12-20
難波 恒雄
高橋 真太郎
Faculty Of Pharmacy University Of Osaka
高橋 真太郎
難波 恒雄
霜村 縫子
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