Aconitum属植物の生薬学的研究2 : 日本産附子・烏頭類について(キンポウゲ科植物の生薬学的研究 第4報)(創刊15周年記念号)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Taxonomically speaking, Aconita of Japan bolongs to one of the most difficult groups. Especially the true character of Aconitum japonicum THUNB. has been obscure so far. Though many literatures of pharmacognosy have given a description of Bushi (附子), Udzu (烏頭) and allied crude drugs in Japan as being originated from A. japonicum THUNB., the abovementioned scientific name seems to have been given merely as a generic term for Aconita of Japan as a whole. Actually, no taxonomical investigation has been carried out as yet. In this paper, I intend to clarify, first of all, the true character of A. japonicum THUNB. by investigating several kinds of herbarium specimens and their growing places as well as by referring to botanic literatures and sundry records concerned. 2. Among Bushi (附子), Udzu (烏頭) and allied crude drugs in Japan, only the following two varieties are being marketed today: Shirakawa-bushi (白河附子) and So-udzu (草烏頭). Most of them are produced on Isl. Sado (佐渡島), Niigata (新潟) Prefecture. Shirakawa-bushi (白河附子) is a crude drug prepared from So-udzu (草烏頭) which is soaked in the mixed liquid of salt and charcoal ashes, afterwards sprinkled with slaked lime. In consequence, these two varieties are of the same origin, after all. Mother tubers are used in the main, but sometimes a little daughter tubers may be blended therewith. The field investigation into its growing place and the studies of the interior structures of this tuber have clarified that its original plant is Aconitum japonicum THUNB. (in Tamura et Namba; Sci. Rep., Osaka Univ. 9: 133 (1960)). 3. The first Shirakawa-bushi (白河附子) was produced at Shirakawa (白河) in the Oshyu (奥州) districts sometime between towards the end of 18 th C. and at the begining of 19 th C.. The investigation into the plant distribution in the Shirakawa (白河) area shows that the original plant of those days was supposedly composed of two varieties intermixed, that is, A. japonicum THUNB. and A. metajaponicum NAKAI, though their tubers have nearly the same interior structures. 4. About 1940〜45, a crude drug called Shirakawa-bushi (白河附子) chanced be produced at Urakawa (浦河) in Hokkaido (北海道). The investigation into its market process as well as its growing district has made it clear that this crude drug was prepared from the tubers of Aconites growing without cultivation in the Hidaka (日高) area. From the studies of the interior structures of the tubers and their distribution, it has been concluded that these have origins in A. lucidusculum NAKAI and A. yesoense NAKAI. 5. Quite recently, "En-bushi (塩附子) of Japan" prepared in imitation of "Jan-fu-zi (塩附子) of China" has chanced to be displayed as a sample at the market center of Osaka (大阪). Tracing back the procurement channels of this crude drug, I have found out that it was prepared from the tubers of Aconites collected at Zenibako (銭函) in Hokkaido (北海道) and along the shores of Lake Hihara (桧原湖), Fukushima (福島) Prefecture. At the same time, the field investigation into the same district together with the studies of the interior structures of tubers has clarified its original plants to be A. japonicum THUNB. and A. metajaponicum NAKAI. 6. About 1870, it chanced that a crude drug called Katsuyama-bushi (勝山附子) was marketed. This was one which was prepared by preserving in salt the tubers of Aconites growing at Katsuyama (勝山), Fukui (福井) Prefecture. Though both A. sanyoense NAKAI and A. hakusanense NAKAI are distributed in this area, I have deduced A. sanyoense NAKAI as the original plant on the investigation into the plant distribution there and the literature concerned. 7. According to the herbals of "Wakan-sansai-dzue" (和漢三才図絵) "Honzo-komokukeimo" (本草綱目啓蒙), "Nichiyo-yakuhinko" (日用薬品考), etc., the Aconites produced on Mt. Kongo (金剛山) was once marketed in Kyoto (京都) under the name of "Kongosan" (金剛山). The Aconite which was described these herbals may probably be originated from A. grosse-dentatum NAKAI. In "Somoku-dzusetsu" (草木図説) there are some comments on the Aconites produced in Mts. Ibuki (伊吹山) and Kita (北山). The Aconites in Mt. Ibuki (伊吹山) are supposed to have derived origin from A. ibukiense NAKAI and A. grosse-dentatum NAKAI var. odaiense NAKAI, while those in Mt. Kita (北山) from A. ibukiense NAKAI var. eizanense NAKAI. 8. On investigation into Crude Drugs, Shirakawa-bushi (白河附子) and So-udzu A. japonicum THUNB., A. metajaponicum NAKAI, A. m. N. var. iwatekense TAMURA et NAMBA, A. lucidusculum NAKAI, A. yesoense NAKAI, A. apoiense NAKAI, A. sanyoense NAKAI, A. hakusanense NAKAI, A. ibukiense Nakai, A. i. N. var. eizanense NAKAI, A. grosse-dentatum NAKAI, A. g. N. var. odaiense NAKAI, including minute studies of the interior structures of the basal, middle and top parts of their mother and daughter tubers, their lateral roots, stems and conjunct rhizomes, I have been able to discern hardly any differences between those tubers of bigger type which are to be marketed as the crude drugs. I believe, however, that I shall be able to classify Aconita of Japan into several groups by carefully observing (1) the shapes of cambium in each parts of tubers, the rise and decay of the bundle sheathes, the appearance rate of stone cells in the primary cortex and the apperance rate of stone cells in and around the endodermis in the secondary cortex, (2) the appearance rate of stone cells in the cortex of the stem's basal parts and the balance of lignifying and thickening in parenchyma between the bundle sheathes, (3) the appearance rate of stone cells in the ground tissue of conjunct rhizome, the shapes of vascular bundle rings and the rise and decay of the bundl sheathes, etc. As the purpose in this paper is to deside upon the original plants of Bushi (附子), Udzu (烏頭) and allied crude drugs in Japan, the studies have naturally been focused on the above-mentioned species alone with this end in view. Thus I have come to obtain the following four groups. I. In the basal (and middle) parts of mother tubers, the cambium ring is of an irregular type of asterisk or a disarranged round shape in abnormally-waved lines. Isolated small cambium rings are often observed in the secondary cortex and pith. There can be observed many stone cells in the primary cortex, and frequently stone cells, though not so many, around the endodermis in the secondary cortex. The bundle sheathes can frequently be observed in secondary cortex of the basal part of mother tubers. Also there are many stone cells to be observed in the cortex of the stem's basal part and in the ground tissue of the conjunct rhizome. A. japonicum THUNB., A. metajaponicum NAKAI, A. m. N. var. iwatekense TAMURA et NAMBA, A. lucidusculum NAKAI, A. yesoense NAKAI II. In the basal (and middle) parts of mother tubers, the cambium ring is of an irregular type of asterisk or a disarranged round shape in waving lines. Isolated small cambium rings are observed, though on rare occasions, in the secondary cortex and pith. Only a few stone cells or none are found in the primary cortex. No stone cells are to be oberved around the endodermis in the secondary cortex. The bundle sheathes can occasionally be recognized in the secondary cortex of the basal part of mother tubers. A few stone cells or none are to be observed in the cortex of the stem's basal part and in the ground tissue of the conjunct rhizome. A. sanyoense NAKAI III. In the basal and middle parts of mother tubers, the cambium ring is of a round or a disarranged round shape in waved lines, and no isolated small cambium rings can be observed there. Many stone cells are observed in the primary cortex, while hardly any stone cells can be recognized around the endodermis in the secondary cortex; the bundle sheathes, neither. Many stone cells are observed in the cortex of the stem's basal part and in the ground tissue of the conjunct rhizome. A. hakusanense NAKAI, A. ibukiense NAKAI, A. i. N. var. eizanense NAKAI, A. grosse-dentatum NAKAI, A. g. N. var. odaiense NAKAI IV. In the basal and middle parts of mother tubers, the cambium ring is of a round shape, but it is neither waved nor isolated. There are a few stone cells to be observed in the primary cortex, some lignified thick-walled parenchyma around the phloem scattered in the secondary cortex. There can always be observed the bundle sheathes and lignified thick-walled parenchyma between its. Hardly any stone cells are observed in the cortex of the stem's basal part and in the ground tissue of the conjunct rhizome. A. apoiense NAKAI
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1961-09-30
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