2A1-E24 ダイレクトモーターカーの構造の違いによる運動特性の解析
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Direct Motor Car is a motor-shaft direct drive robot that has two small motors attached to the both sides of body in shape of inverted V, and can run without any wheels. It can move forward, backward, turn and rotate by wired controller. But, because the motor-shafts have to contact the ground, it only can move on a complete flat surface. Even so, there are many Pros about DMC, that it should be practically used. In this paper, we analyze the relationships of structural differences and the kinematical differences of the DMC, in order to discover the practical uses of it. In results of making and experimenting 12-motored linear DMC, there are relationship between the number and control of motors, and the maneuverability and movement performance of DMC. The multi-motored DMC which has a body with no D.O.F., can move without any difficulties to ditch and hole if its' center of gravity is above a flat surface and more than half of its' motor contact the ground.
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