- 論文の詳細を見る
We conducted a survey using `Childcare Assessment Tool II' in order to elucidate childcare function in families with children under the age of 2 through the level of parental cooperation in specific housework and childcare activities. The mean value for both mothers and fathers was favorably high for each childcare function factor, but the sense of childcare stress was high.For all activities, more fathers (husbands) reported greater cooperation from the mothers(wives). From the mothers, point-of-view, the reported level of cooperation from the father was low for housework activities such as `cooking', `washing', and `cleaning', and childcare activities such as `feeding', and `putting the baby to sleep'. There were differences in the level of cooperation by fathers in housework and childcare activities such as `cooking', `washing' and `cleaning' and the childcare activity `changing diapers', and fathers who cooperated with mothers on these activities had a higher childcare support function than fathers who did not. Mothers who had cooperation fromthe fathers in housework and childcare activities had a higher childcare support function than those without in all activities with the exception of `cooking' and also had a better affective function regarding `feeding', `changing clothes' and `changing diapers'. Mothers who had the cooperation of the fathers in regard to `cooking' gave a negative response and showed lower childcare satisfaction than those without. This is believed to show the degree of childcare stress of mothers with children under the age of 2. When bringing up a child, good husband-Wife and mother-child relationships are important and it may be necessary to intentionally create a role for the father.
- 岐阜医療科学大学の論文
山口 明子
藤生 君江
神庭 純子
仲村 秀子
聖隷クリストファー大学 看護学部
吉川 一枝
仲村 秀子
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