2P2-I22 シロアリのカースト分化モデルと環境適応(移動知)
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Eusocial insects form colony, and they can adapt environmental fluctuations by the colony. Colony is maintained with caste differentiation, which is a self-organized task allocation which raise the efficiency of the colony. Termites have several specialized castes. Pseudergate, one of castes, becomes some different castes. Our purpose are building the internal model and elucidating caste differentiation mechanism. The model is based on biological knowledge. It is suggested that Juvenile Hormone (JH) is concerned in termite caste differentiation, so our research emphasized focus on the relationship between the pseudergate caste differentiation and time evolution of JH titer. The model includes growth in developmental processes and has the time variation of JH affected by the environment. Additionally this model has two interactions: trophallaxis and caste differentiation inhibition. The termite internal state model was evaluated with computer simulation.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-06-06
淺間 一
三浦 徹
淺間 一
池本 有助
淺間 一
東京大学 人工物工学研究センター
池本 有助
東京大学 人工物工学研究センター
三浦 徹
北海道大学 大学院地球環境科学研究科
Miura C
Jst‐presto Jpn
Miura Takeshi
High Frequency And Optical Device Works Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
池田 雅紀
三浦 徹
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