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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have been developing in Japan to smooth the traffic stream and reduce the number of traffic accidents. In this paper, we deal with the effectiveness evaluation of wireless radio communication system that conveys braking information of a lead vehicle to the following vehicles. Using this system, even if drivers in the following vehicles are looking aside, they can notice the start timing of braking of the lead vehicle by way of warning information. Therefore they can immediately return their line of sight to the forward direction resulting in appropriate braking operation. To reveal the effect of the system, we analyzed the probability of not returning the line of sight to the forward direction concerning drivers in the following vehicles. In the analysis the frequency of driver's looking aside and the installation ratio of the system were set as calculation parameters. We revealed that when the installation ratio is under around 0.3, the system does not make sufficient effect on the safety level.
- 2010-06-25
森田 和元
関根 道昭
森田 和元
森田 和元
森田 和元
(独)交通安全環境研究所 自動車安全研究領域
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