- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to develop an objective method for verifying the effectiveness of a community-based disaster prevention workshop. The target workshop was given in Tanohata village, a seaside area of Iwate prefecture. In this workshop, the participants discussed many subjects concerning disaster prevention, but there was particular discussion about improving the village's tsunami evacuation areas. An "evacuation area" refers to a "temporary emergency evacuation place" and not to a "shelter". We observed the evacuation areas in the village before and after the workshop. The checkpoints were the condition of the area, lighting, signboards, handrail, institution, etc. A list containing checkpoints on such factors as the overall condition of the area, whether there was lighting in the area, and whether there were signboards, handrails, and other equipment was used. The observation results were recorded on a binary type check sheet. In addition, many photographs were taken, and position information was added by GPS. Five observations were performed for a one year period after the workshop. However, no clear change in the quality of the evacuation areas was observed. This result shows that even if active discussion takes place in a community-based workshop, an improvement of the evacuation area may not occur. The observation method is simple to use, and is thus useful for verifying the effectiveness of community-based workshops.
- 2009-11-28
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