- 論文の詳細を見る
Glochidia and juveniles of two species of Margaritifera were examined in the Sakasa River at Togakushi, Nagano Prefecture, and four other localities in Japan. The shape and size of the glochidia were similar in both species, but the surface sculpture of the glochidial shell was different: smoother in M. laevis and rougher in M. togakushiensis. On the other hand, juveniles were oblong and flat in M. laevis, but ovate and inflated in M. togakushiensis. Most of them could be consistently separated using a discriminant function estimated from the shell length and shell height. Juveniles obtained in the other four localities were also identified with one or the other species by using the discriminant function. About 40 days after infection, the glochidia metamorphosed into juveniles on the host and the discriminant function is also applicable to the parasitic juveniles.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 2007-02-28
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- ヌマガイとタガイの殻形態による判別
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