109(P-34) アンフォテリシンB連結分子の作製と複合体形成(ポスター発表の部)
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Amphotericin B (AmB, 1), one of the most important antifungal agents, has been used widely to treat systemic infections for over three decades. AmB is known to form an ion-channel complex across biomembrane, where the agent binds to ergosterol with higher affinity than to cholesterol. This sterol-specific recognition is thought to be responsible for its selective toxicity. Despite extensive efforts to elucidate the structure and molecular mechanism of the complex formation, no clear spectroscopic evidence has been obtained. Difficulties in structural studies of such as membrane assemblages can be summarized to the following two points; one is the equilibrium between monomeric and assembled states, which prevents the selective observation of the latter state; and the other is the high symmetry of the assemblage, which hampers spectral measurements for a particular pair of agents or agent/lipid. To overcome these problems, we attempted to prepare the conjugated compounds between AmBs, AmB/phospholipids, and AmB/sterols. AmB dimers (2-6) were prepared by cross-linking between AmBs or aminoalkylated AmBs with dicarboxylic acid. The phosphatidyl-conjugated AmB (7) was prepared by reductive coupling between the amino group of AmB and an aldehyde-bearing phosphatidylic acid, which was obtained by periodate degradation of phosphatidyl glycerol. Some of the dimers showed more potent hemolytic activities than AmB, suggesting that they form channel-like assemblages similar to those of AmBs. The ε_<max> of the dimers in organic solutions, particularly those with potent hemolytic activity, decreased to only 10% of the corresponding value of AmB, which is indicative of the close vicinity of heptaene moieties in the dimers. The UV spectra of AmB-DMP (7), which retained potent bioactivity, lacked the peak diagnostic of the presence of random aggregation of AmB. This means that the substitution of phosphatidyl moiety stabilizes the AmB assemblages even at higher concentrations of AmB, which otherwise undergo phase separation.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2000-10-01
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