Computer Experiments on Soliton Production for Realizing Laboratory Experiments
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2002-05-30
湊 淳
ITABA Masanori
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University
MINATO Atsushi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University
OZAWA Satoru
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University
HIKI Yosio
Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hiki Yosio
Faculty Of Engineering Ibaraki University
Ozawa S
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Ibaraki University
Itaba Masanori
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Ibaraki University
Ozawa Satoru
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Ibaraki University
Minato Atsushi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
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- 1-01P-01 二次元正方格子モデル結晶におけるソリトンの伝播についての基礎的な計算機実験(ポスターセッション 1)
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- 実験・観察と説明用教具を組み合わせた波の干渉の指導
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- 2値画像の輪郭線抽出へのシミュレーテッドアニーリングの応用
- 高等学校物理「運動量の保存」の指導における画像解析手法の応用
- ITコンサルティング顧客満足度向上への影響要因と制御--高い顧客満足を得られる商品開発に関する研究(3)
- 顧客の商品に対する感性の,購入意思決定・品質予測への影響分析--高い顧客満足を得られる商品開発に関する研究(2)
- 超音波基礎 モデル結晶中における非線形波と少数の欠陥との相互作用についての計算機実験
- ウラウンホーファー線による水素の存在の観察授業
- P1-3 モデル結晶中における非線形波と少数の欠陥との相互作用についての計算機実験(ポスターセッション1(概要講演))
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- P1-A-1 モデル結晶中の欠陥による原子励起の散乱についての計算機実験(基礎・フォノン物理,ポスターセッション1(概要講演))
- 2次元六方晶系モデル結晶における非線形波の伝搬に関する計算機実験
- P2-1 2次元六方晶系モデル結晶中の欠陥とフォノンおよびソリトンとの衝突に関する計算機実験(ポスターセッション2,ポスター発表)
- A-1 実験的にソリトンを生成するための計算機シミュレーション(基礎・物性・フォノン,口頭発表)
- OA1 3次元モデル結晶における表面励起に関する計算機実験(基礎・物性,口頭発表)
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- Computer Experiments on Soliton Production for Realizing Laboratory Experiments
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- Computer Experiments on Solitons in Three-Dimensional Crystals with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest Neighbor Atomic Interactions
- カオス変調レーザダイオードを用いた測距手法の基礎実験
- Computer Experiments on Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in Model Crystals with Next-Nearest-Neighbor Atomic Interactions
- Development of a Lidar System for Measuring Methane Using a Gas Correlation Method
- Computer Experiments on Surface Excitations in Three-Dimensional Model Crystals
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- Optical Characteristics of the Retroreflector in Space on the ADEOS Satellite in Orbit
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- Computer Experiments on Collisions of Solitons with Defects in Two-Dimensional Model Crystals
- Computer Experiment on Soliton Excitation in Two-Dimensional Crystals
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- Theoretical Evaluation of Earth-to-Satellite Laser Long-Path Absorption Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Species in the Infrared Region
- Ultrasonic Attenuation and Dislocation Damping in Crystals of Ice
- Computer Experiments on Solitons in Three-Dimensional Crystals with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Atomic Interactions
- The Extraction of Sm from Sm-Co alloys by the Glass Slag Method
- Microstructures and Magnetic Properties of Nd-Fe-B-X (X =Co, Zr) Alloys Produced by a Metallic Mold Casting Method
- Microstructure of Nd-Fe-B Alloys Solidified under Microgravity Conditions
- Ultrasonic Attenuation in Melting and Freezing Helium Crystals
- A Good Sampling Method for Guessing Rectangles in [0, 1]^2
- Mathematical Study of Conceptualization in N-Dimensional Space
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- 高専の情報基礎科目のためのVOD-WBTシステムの開発
- Computer Experiment on Collisions of Solitons with Defects in Crystals
- Simulation of Peierls Stress for Dislocations in Rare Gas Crystals
- Scattering of Electrons by Dislocations in Aluminum Studied by Ultrasonic Method
- Experimental Study of Viscoelastic and Thermal Properties of Glasses and Polymers near Glass Transitions
- Scattering of Elastic Waves by a Particle in Solid Medium
- Phonon Conduction in Polyethylene
- Heterodyne Spectroscopy Using Spectral Spread of Short Laser Pulse
- Effect of Pressure on Dislocation Damping in Aluminum Crystals
- Effect of Pressure on Dislocation Damping in Alkali Halide Crystals
- Effect of Specimen Size in Ultrasonic Attenuation Measurement : Physical Acoustics
- Low-Temperature Thermal Diffusivity Measurement by Laser-Flash Method
- Simulation of Dislocation Configuration in Rare Gas Crystals
- Calculation of Pressure Dependence of Dislocation Damping Constant in Crystals
- パターンマッチングによる顔画像の自動追跡法の開発と不登校児童カウンセリングへの応用
- Nondivergence of the Viscosity of Inorganic and Polymeric Glasses near the Glass Transition Temperature
- Viscosity of glasses near and below the glass transition temperature
- Experimental Study of Viscoelastic and Thermal Properties of Glasses and Polymers near Glass Transitions
- An experimental study on the shear viscosity of solids
- Measurement of Viscosity of Glasses with Low Melting Points using a New Method
- A New Technique for Measuring Viscoelasticity of Solids
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- Sound Communication System of LED Using Maximum Length Sequence
- ITコンサルティング顧客満足度向上への影響要因と制御--高い顧客満足を得られる商品開発に関する研究(3)
- シミュレーテッドアニーリング法を用いた座席決定アルゴリズムの開発
- Calorimetric Study of Kinetic Glass Transition in Various Glasses
- Computer Experiments on Scattering of Atomic Excitations by Defects in Model Crystals
- Computer Experiments on Collisions of Linear and Nonlinear Waves with Defects in Two-Dimensional Square Lattice with Nearest Neighbor and Next Nearest Neighbor Interactions
- Computer Experiments on Surface Excitations in Three-Dimensional Model Crystals