Optical Characteristics of the Retroreflector in Space on the ADEOS Satellite in Orbit
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-08-01
湊 淳
AOKI Tetsuo
Communications Research Laboratory
Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication
National Institute for Environmental Studies
ITABE Toshikazu
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
OZAWA Ken-ichi
Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
ITABE Toshikazu
Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
OZAWA Kenichi
National Institute for Environmental Studies
KOGA Nobuhiko
National Institute for Environmental Studies
KUBOTA Yasuhiro
Shinshu University
SAITO Yasunori
Shinshu University
Shinshu University
MINATO Atsushi
Ibaraki University
Nomura A
Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
Ozawa K
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Minato Atsushi
Division Of Applied Synergetics Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Ibaraki University
Kunimori Hiroo
Communications Research Laboratory
Sugimoto N
National Institute Of Environmental Studies
Itabe T
Communications Research Laboratory
Itabe Toshikazu
Communications Research Laboratory
Sugimoto Nobuo
National Institute for Environment Studies
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