Metabolism of Thiabendazole and Teratogenic Potential of Its Metabolites in Pregnant Mice(Environmental)
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In connection with the teratogenic activity of thiabendazole(TBZ), the metabolic fate of 14C-TBZ in pregnant mice was studied by administration of the drug in olive oil and gum arabic as vehicles. Absorption of TBZ in the olive oil group occurred more rapidly than in the gum arabic group, and the maximum blood level in the former group was 7-fold higher than that in the latter group. 5-Hydroxylated TBZ(5-HY TBZ), its glucuronide and its sulfate were identified as urinary and fecal metabolites. A very small quantity of N-methyl TBZ was also identified for the first time in the urine and feces. The percentages of TBZ, 5-HY TBZ, and the glucuronide and sulfate of 5-HY TBZ in the urine were 12-15, 22-24, 28-29 and 30-31%, respectively. About 97% of the dose was excreted into the urine (60-62%) and the feces (34-37%) within 7d in each group. In a limb bud cell culture system for the assay of teratogenic potential, the concentrations of TBZ, 5-HY TBZ and N-methyl TBZ necessary to reduce the amounts of cartilage proteoglycan by 50% were estimated to-be about 0.09, 0.09 and 0.24mM, respectively. However, the concentrations of 5-HY TBZ glucuronide and sulfate were over 2mM. Consequently, teratogenesis caused by TBZ appeared to be induced by the high levels of direct-acting teratogens such as TBZ and 5-HY TBZ when olive oil was used as a vehicle.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1987-07-25
佐藤 道夫
国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 療品部
佐藤 道夫
田中 彰
Division of Biological Chemistry and Biologicals, National Institute of Health Sciences(Present addr
土屋 利江
土屋 利江
山羽 力
福岡 正道
Division Of Biological Chemistry National Institute Of Health Sciences
田中 彰
土屋 利江
Division of Medical Chemistry, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
佐藤 道夫
Division of Medical Chemistry, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
山羽 力
Division of Medical Chemistry, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
福岡 正道
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
田中 彰
Division Of Biological Chemistry And Biologicals National Institute Of Health Sciences(present Addre
山羽 力
Division Of Medical Chemistry National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
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