Comparative Studies on Absorption, Distribution, and Excretion of Flame Retardants Halogenated Alkyl Phosphate in Rats
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Comparative studies on the absorption, distribution, and excretion of flame retardants, tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate (TDBPP), bis (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate (BDBPP), tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP), tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TMCPP) and tris (2-chlorethyl) phosphate (TMCEP), were carried out in rats. During 168 h after an oral administration of an equimolar dose (50 μmol/kg) of these ^<14>C-labeled flame retardants, the decreasing order of levels of ^<14>C-radioactivity excreted was TMCEP≫TMCPP>TDBPP>BDBPP>TDCPP in urine, TDCPP>TDBPP>BDBPP>TMCPP≫TMCEP in feces, and BDBPP>TDCPP>TDBPP≫TMCPP>TMCEP in expired air. The amounts remaining in the carcass were in the order TDBPP=BDBPP>TDCPP>TMCEP=TMCPP. Almost 100% of the radioactivity administered was recovered, in the ranges of 43.2 to 93.4% in urine, 5.6 to 39.2% in feces, 1.7 to 19.4% in expired air (as ^<14>CO_2), and 0.7 to 3.7% in the body. Biliary excretion of the five flame retardants ranged from 24.6 to 44.9% of the dose by 48 h. The order of biliary excretion was as follows : TMCPP>TDCPP>BDBPP=TDBPP>TMCEP. Tris- or bis- (dihalogenated alkyl) phosphates were more slowly absorbed, distributed and excreted than tris (monohalogenated alkyl) phosphates. In binding studies in vitro, the order of covalent binding to S-9 of liver and kidney was as follows : TDBPP>MDBPP>BDBPP.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1988-04-30
紅林 秀雄
高橋 昭江
山羽 力
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
山羽 力
森本 和滋
嶺岸 謙一郎
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
紅林 秀雄
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
南原 精一
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
森本 和滋
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
高橋 昭江
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
紅林 秀雄
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