Conversion of Cyclamate to Cyclohexylamine in Guinea Pig
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Continuous oral administration of sodium cyclamate (CHS-Na) to guinea pig caused the gradual increase of urinary excretion of cyclohexylamine (CHA) after a certain period. The amount of CHA excreted was not only different in individuals, but also dependent on each experiment. It was diminished when CHS-Na was administered orally with antibiotics or intraperitoneally. It was shown from the incubation experiments that apparent accumulation of CHA was observed by cecal contents or feces from the animal excreting CHA in urine by oral administration of CHS-Na, but not from that diminished the excretion by the above conditions. Any in vitro study using animal tissues failed to detect the accumulation of CHA. Consequently it may be probable to assume the participation of duct microflora in the conversion of CHS-Na to CHA in guinea pig.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1972-01-25
山羽 力
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
Present adress
渡辺 邦子
Present adress
朝比奈 正人
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
Sarrazin Ginette
Present Adress : Faculty Of Pharmacy University Of Paris
渡辺 邦子
Present Adress : Chiba Serum Institute
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