Macromolecular Complexes of Drugs. I. Doxorubicin-Heparin Complex(Pharmaceutical)
- 論文の詳細を見る
As a part of our studies to develop anticancer agents with prolonged action and reduced side effects, we examined the macromolecular complex of doxorubicin and heparin. Formation of a complex of doxorubicin and heparin was confirmed by HIAC, infrared, ultraviolet, differential scanning calorimetry, energy micro analysis X-ray and high performance liquid chromatography analysis. If the molecular weight of heparin is assumed to be 9800, one molecule of heparin binds 16 molecules of doxorubicin,
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1987-02-25
堀岡 正義
Hospital Pharmcy, Kyushu University
青山 敏信
Hospital Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine
堀岡 正義
堀岡 正義
堀岡 正義
Hospital Pharmcy Kyushu University
永光 慎吾
Department of Surgery I, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
永光 慎吾
Department Of Surgery I Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
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