A Simple and Simultaneous Detection Method for Two Different Viroids Infecting Chrysanthemum by Multiplex Direct RT-PCR
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The economically important Chrysanthemum stunt viroid (CSVd) and Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid (CChMVd) were detected from infected chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) plants by a multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay developed in this investigation. The antisense hexamer AAAGGA (5'-3') was designed. The antisense hexamer 5' AAAGGA 3' annealing at 5' TCCTTT 3' is located at nucleotide positions 186-191 and 245-250 of CSVd (gb: AB006737), and 231-236 of CChMVd in their sequences. Using CSVd- and CChMVd-cDNA templates which were transcribed simultaneously by the hexamer, the following multiplex PCR could detect both viroids from doubly-infected plants without nonspecific amplification. When the hexamer was used for the RT reaction, the sensitivity of detection of CSVd or CChMVd by multiplex RT-PCR was similar to that of standard RT-PCR when each viroid was detected separately. Furthermore, multiplex RT-PCR successfully detected both CSVd and CChMVd in direct templates obtained by inserting a syringe needle into the stem, leaf, and shoot tips of infected chrysanthemum plants. The direct multiplex RT-PCR method developed in this study may reduce the cost, time, and labor required for the production of viroid-free chrysanthemum plants.
- 園芸学会の論文
細川 宗孝
Laboratory of Vegetable and Ornamental Horticulture, Division of Agriculture, Graduate School of Agr
Shiba Hayato
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Yazawa Susumu
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Kawabe Takashi
Laboratory Of Vegetable And Ornamental Horticulture Department Of Agronomy And Horticultural Science
Laboratory of Vegetable and Ornamental Horticulture, Department of Agronomy and Horticultural Scienc
Nakashima Akiko
Laboratory Of Vegetable And Ornamental Horticulture Department Of Agronomy And Horticultural Science
Shiba Hayato
Laboratory of Vegetable and Ornamental Horticulture, Department of Agronomy and Horticultural Scienc
Yazawa Susumu
Laboratory Of Vegetable And Ornamental Horticulture Department Of Agronomy And Horticultural Science
Hosokawa Munetaka
Laboratory Of Vegetable And Ornamental Horticulture Department Of Agronomy And Horticultural Science
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