Geometry of artificial extracellular matrices : BMP-induced ectopic osteogenesis with three geometrically different titanium-webs(15thAnnual Meeting of the Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology,Session 2)
Department of Urology, Kochi Red Cross Hospital
Takita Hiroko
Department Of Oral Health Science Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido University
Takita H
Central Research Institute
Kuboki Y
Hokkaido University
Takita Hiroko
Central Research Institute
Tamura Masato
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido Univers
Uramoto Youichi
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido Unive
Kuboki Yoshinori
Koken Bioscience Institute
Uramoto Youichi
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Graduate School Of Dental Medicine Hokkaido Univers
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