脱年功化に伴う雇用スタイルの変容と新しい求心力の醸成 : 競争優位の基盤構築に向けた新しい雇用
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After the bubble economy, many people have asserted the breakdown of seniority system. But another main pillar of Japanese style management, lifetime employment is having remained without big change. Since these two are complementary institutions, there is an inconsistency, if one system would be change. In this paper, to be gaining competitive advantage the author discussed the problem of the subsequence Japanese style management and proposed policy to realize new one. Under the global competition, for gaining competitive advantage the Japanese firms have to realize the fit between strategy and management style and to create some value. Each case needs to develop the intentions of employee. To gain the long-term advantage, the outcomes of individual must be non-imitable or difficult to imitate from competitor. Thinking about this from viewpoint of employment, the firm would develop human resources rather than recruit someone from external labor market. Because other company have a chance to get similar resources to exploit these labor market. And if the firms recommend the developing the intentions of employee, they would have to exclude the lifetime employment with seniority system. Then the author suggests the security of employment enhancing the intentions of employee. This system affirms the discussion about practice of long-term employment and responds the demerit of lifetime employment. Under this system, high performer will be able to move to other company, and any knowledge that is source of non-imitableness will not be accumulated in the firm. Then the firm has to cultivate the new type commitment what is based on management of developing individual intention, empowerment. To verify that relation I attempted correlation analysis, and I have some positive correlations about the factors of the degree of between empowerment and self-commitment.
- 2001-07-10
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