Proton NMR Study of Nickel Formate Di-Hydrate, Ni (HCOO)_2・2H_2O(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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In nickel formate di-hydrate, Ni(HCOO)_2・2H_2O, there are two nonequivalent Ni sites forming two magnetic subsystems, A- and B-layers. Heat capacity measurements suggest that the Ni ions in the B-layer are paramagnetic even below TN and the Ni ions in the A-layer are in antiferromagnetic order. On the other hand, the magnetization suggests the weak ferrimagnetic order of Ni ions in both A- and B-layers. To solve the inconsistency above, the spin system is investigated by proton NMR. The observed resonance frequencies are compared with calculations based on various magnetic structures. The comparison shows that the ferrimagnetic spins order with canting magnetic moments in the a-b plane. The magnitude of the magnetic moment of B-ions, 0.38μO, is much smaller than that of A-ions, 2.38μO, where μO is the Bohr magneton. It is inferred that the paramagnetic B-ions are pulled into the antiferromagnetic order by the dipolar field due to A-ions. The magnetic moments are inferred to gradually incline parallel to the c-axis with increasing temperature.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2006-10-15
Tokita M
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Tokita Masahiko
Fac. Of Engineering Fukuoka Inst. Of Technol. Fukuoka 811-0295 Jpn
Tokita Masahiko
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Kobe University
KUBO Hidenori
Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Yamagata K
Iwaki Meisei University
Yamagata Kazuo
Department Of Physics And Sciences Nihon University
Takahashi M
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
高橋 正雄
Iwaki Meisei University
Kubo Hidenori
Department Of Electronics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Zenmyo Kazuko
Department Of Physics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Zenmyo Kazuko
Fukuoka Insititute Of Technology
Kubo H
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Zenmyo K
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Kubo Hidenori
Fukuoka Insititute Of Technology
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