ABC_6 Type Ordered Structure in Pt-rich Pt-Mn Alloys
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In situ neutron diffraction experiments were performed on single crystals of Pt-12.5 and 14.4 at.% Mn alloys in order to elucidate the ordered structures of Pt-rich Pt-Mn alloys. The observed diffraction patterns at various temperatures up to 1050℃ have revealed two ordered phases in these alloys. Below the order-disorder transition temperature, a Cu_3Au type ordered structure appears and at low temperature, an ABC_6 type ordered structure with a unit cell 2 × 2 × 2 as large as that of the fundamental fcc cell was found to be stable. A secondary ordering in the alloys is discussed in terms of two order parameters in the ABC_6 type structure utilizing the method of static concentration waves originally proposed by Khachaturyan [Prog. Mater. Sci. 22 (1978) 24]. The ideal alloy composition for the structure is also discussed with the experimentally estimated order parameters.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2002-03-15
YASHIMA Masatomo
Department of Materials Science and Engineerneering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science an
Tokita M
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Tokita Masahiko
Fac. Of Engineering Fukuoka Inst. Of Technol. Fukuoka 811-0295 Jpn
Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University
Ohshima K
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Sasaki Takahiko
Institute For Materials Research(imr) Tohoku University
Ohshima Ken-ichi
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Yashima Masatomo
Department Of Integrated Sciences In Physics And Biology College Of Humanities And Sciences Nihon Un
Yashima M
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Eng
Shishido T
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Takahashi M
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Sembiringa Timbangen
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba:(present Address)department Of Physics Faculty
高橋 正雄
Ohshima Ken-ichi
Institute Of Applide Physics University Of Tsukuba
Takahashi Miwako
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Shishido T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai‐shi
Ohshima K
Univ. Tsukuba Tsukuba
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Shishido Toetsu
Institute for Materials Reseach, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
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