Transport of Timolol and Tilisolol in Rabbit Corneal Epithelium
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of tilisolol and timolol through the corneal epithelium, which is believed to be a tight barrier of ocular drug absorption. Cultured normal rabbit corneal epithelial cells (RCEC) were used to investigate drug transport. Primary RCEC were seeded on a filter membrane of Transwell-COL? insert coated with fibronectin and grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium/nutrient mixture F-12 with various supplements. Beta-blocker permeability through the RCEC layer was measured to assess the transcellular permeability coefficient (Ptranscell) in the absence or presence of inhibitors. The transcellular permeability of tilisolol was dependent on drug concentration although timolol showed no concentration dependency. Tilisolol flux from the apical to the basal side was larger than in the opposite direction although timolol showed no direction dependency. The transcellular permeability of tilisolol from the apical to the basal side was inhibited by sodium azide, tetraethylammonium, quinidine, taurocholic acid, guanidine and carnitine. Tilisolol had an active mechanism in uptake to the corneal epithelium, probably by the organic cation transporter family, although timolol predominantly permeated via passive diffusion. This RCEC system was useful to characterize the ocular permeation mechanism of drugs.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2006-10-01
中島 幹夫
佐賀大学医学部附属病院 手術部
中島 幹夫
Sugahara Kazuyuki
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科臨床検査医学講座
Kawakami Shigeru
京都大学 薬学研究科
Kawakami Shigeru
Dep. Of Drug Delivery Res. Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Univ.
Kohno Shigeru
長崎大学医学部歯学部附属病院 薬剤部
Sugahara Yazuyuki
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科臨床検査医学講座
中村 純三
Dep. Of Clinical Pharmacy Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ.
Sugahara Yazuyuki
Dep. Of Lab. Medicine Nagasaki Univ. Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ. Hospital
Kohno Shigeru
長崎大学 第二内科
SASAKI Hitoshi
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry
Nakamura J
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University
Nakamura Junzo
長崎大学 薬
Nakamura Junzo
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University
Nishida K
Dep. Of Clinical Pharmacy Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ.
Nakashima M
Dep. Of Clinical Pharmacy Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ.
Nakashima M
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Nagasaki University Hospital Of Medicine And Dentistry
Sasaki H
Dep. Of Hospital Pharmacy Nagasaki Univ. Hospital
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University
KAWAZU Kouichi
Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Nara Research and Development Center.
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry
Sakanaka Koji
Kawazu Kouichi
Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Nara Research And Development Center
Oshita Akemi
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Nagasaki University Hospital Of Medicine And Dentistry
Ichikawa Nobuhiro
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Nagasaki University Hospital Of Medicine And Dentistry
Nakano M
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Hitoshi
長崎大学 医歯学部病院薬剤部
Sasaki Hitoshi
Department Of Basic Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Shiota H
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Sasaki Hajime
Semiconductor Group Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Sasaki Hideyuki
R&d Center Toshiba Corp.
Kobayashi Kazuko
Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Nara Research And Development Center
Kashiwagi Satsuki
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University
Sasaki H
Central Research Laboratories Zeria Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Sasaki H
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Sakanaka Koji
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Nagasaki University Hospital Of Medicine And Dentistry:santen Pharma
Sasaki H
Nagasaki Univ. School Of Medicine Nagasaki Jpn
Nishida Koyo
Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ.
Sasaki Hitoshi
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Nagasaki University Hospital
Nakamura Tadahiro
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital
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