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Intake of niacin equivalents per capita per day were caluculated on the basis of the National Nutrition Survey in 1991, using the Weighted average tables of niacin and also tryptophan contents of protein in foods. Daily intake of niacin equivalents in healthy children aged 3 to 6 years were computed based on data of Annual Nutrition Survey in Tokyo Metropolitan area. According to the widely adapted convention, 60mg of tryptophan were counted as equivalent to 1mg dietary niacin. Dairy intake of niacin equivalents increased with age and 40 to 49 years' group in male and 50 to 59 years' group were the highest intake. The average daily intakes of niacin equivalents by age group were revealed to be 26.2mg, 29.5mg, 32.0mg, 36.5mg, 32.8mg, 34, 3mg and 28.7mg, for groups of under 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and over 70 years, respectively, for male 27.2mg, 30.9mg, 31.5mg, 31.8mg, 29.3mg, 25.7mg, respectively, for female of each age groups. The average of daily intake of niacin equivalents of children was 20.9mg. From these data, it was found that the average niacin equivalents intakes of all Japanese exceeded the Japanese Recommended Dietary Allowances of niacin. Major sources of niacin from food were fishes, cereals, and meats.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 1994-02-25
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