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Some polysaccharides in many edible mushrooms have an anti-neoplasm action by means of activating the various immunity cells and enhancing the immunity systems in animals. In contrast, they contain some components, which suppress the inflammation caused by too much immunoreaction by means of inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid and enhancing antioxidative activity in animals, such as some polysaccharides, proteins, steroids, terpenoids, etc. So, it is thought that some mushrooms have a immunomodulatory activity in animals. It was actually reported that some edible mushrooms suppressed a histamine release and and/or a mouse type IV allergy. Therefore, they could be one of the available foods, which prevent some types of allergic disorders. In this paper, several effects of mushrooms on an allergy were reviewed.
- 2004-01-31
- マルチメディア・ネットワーク2003
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