現代社会における学校教育の役割 : <近代教育> 批判を通して
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Today there are many troubles at school such as being bullied, school-non-attendance, class-room-collapse and juvenile delinquency. This paper retraced the establishment of school education, popular education and modern public education system, and examined the relationship between school and social changes. It was found that there was a great difference in values between modern industrial and recent informational societies. This leads a conclusion that we should reconsider what school should be. Next, criticizing from the standpoint of Aries, Illich and Foucault, we presented following three proposals to reconsider the role of modern school education : (1) school as a cooperative society, (2) interactive educational relationship among generations and (3) character formation based on clinical knowledge.
- 名古屋柳城短期大学の論文
- 2004-12-20
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