喪失体験によって引き起こされた問題行動の変化 : 脳血管性痴呆患者の喪失体験における心理過程について(看護科)
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A patient's mental condition and condition which showed the symptoms of one golden age dementia were investigated. It was considered how a critical situation and loss experience would influence to the difficult behavior caused by becoming cerebrovascular dementia in the developmental stage of the golden age. Consequently, even if it was cerebrovascular dementia, when memory / register power was held not a little, it became clear that it can be freed even if it lapses into a critical situation. When the past occurrence cannot be received but it sets to a critical situation by loss experience called change of the death and environment of a spouse, condition and difficult behavior have appeared. At this time, it is important how the individual receives experience of role loss. It is required for the background according to which a golden age patient's difficult behavior appears for the definite aim in life for the man to find something out for what kind of subject is the man's social background involving closely and to have left in a developmental stage again.
- 足利短期大学の論文
- 2005-03-01
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