- 論文の詳細を見る
The generation of dioxins in the waste incineration became a problem, and law on processing and cleaning of a waste was revised by the Japanese government in 1997 in Japan. Dioxins countermeasure special measure laws was enforced in 2000 in Japan. The following were severely instituted by the law : Dioxins concentration discharged from the incinerator and structure of the incinerator and maintenance standard. The small incinerator ever used became an object of the law regulation. The small incinerator in industry, educational institution, government, hospital, ordinary homes could not satisfy this standard. The disposal cost of a waste becomes the economical oppression of the small and medium enterprise as the result. It is necessary to do the complete combustion which satisfies high combustion gas temperature (Temperature), residence time of the gas (Time), mixing between gas and secondary air in inside of furnace (Turbulence) in order to suppress the generation of dioxins. This is called 3-T . In this study, the development is carried out in respect of the small incinerator which satisfies 3-T by the new combustion, and it aims at the control of dioxins with the achievement of complete combustion in the small incinerator.
- 長崎大学の論文
- 2005-01-30
田平 泰広
奥村 佳代
石橋 康弘
Environmental And Symbiotic Sciences Prefectural University Of Kumamoto
川口 聡
有限会社 環境産業
武政 剛弘
石橋 康弘
Ishibashi Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Nagasaki University
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