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Up to the present, about 1100 species of flowering plants have been found in the Islands of Tsushima. The similarity between the floras of Japan (including the Islands of Tsushima) and Korea was emphasized by Y. YABE (1904), though he enumerated only 637 species fromthe Tsushimas. In his study of woody plants of the Islands of Tsushima, T. NAKAI (1922,1928) came to the conclusion that the flora of the Tsushima Islands was more similar to the flora of Japan than to that of Korea. Their opinions are based on the contrast of the number of species concerning the flora of the neigbouring regions. Considering the paleogeography of the Japanese Islands and the Asiatic Continent in addition to the speculation on the origin of species, G. KOIDZUMI (1919,1931) recognized the elements of Manchuria-Korea, Central China and so on in the flora of Japan, though he did not particularly mentioned about the flora of the Islands of Tsushima. Recently, H. HARA (1959) gave the outline of the phytogeography of the Tsushimas. Taxonomic comment on each species, however, has not been given by these authors. Having the new materials at hand, the authors have attempted to analyze in this paper the phytogeography of the flora of Japan and also discussed on the taxonomic relationship between the species and its allies. Out of the flowering plants in the Islands of Tsushima, Compositae, Caprifoliaceae and Leguminosae are studied by H. KOYAMA, N. FUKUOKA and H. OHASHI respectively. The distributional maps are drawn from the localities of the specimens kept in the following herbaria. The indication of those herbaria is in accordance with the general use. KYO Harbarium of Kyoto University, Kyoto. TI Herbarium of Tokyo University, Tokyo. TNS The National Science Museum, Tokyo. E Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. A The Arnold Arboretum, Cambridge. Grateful acknowledgement is herewith made to the directors and curators of these herbaria. Phytogeographically, the flora of the Islands of Tsushima consists of the following three groups which are of different origin. In the following enumeration, the species marked by a single asterisk is endemic to the Tsushimas and those by double ones are endemic to Japan. I : The plants derived from the Manchurian and Korean mother stock : Manchuria-Korean element. Saussurea insularis KITAM.*; S. maximowiczii HERDER; Taraxacum albidum DAHLST.**; Breea segetum (BUNCE) KITAM.; Scorzonera albicaulis BUNGE; Atractylodes japonica KOIDZ. ex KITAM.; Ainsliaea acerifolia SCH.-BIP.; Syneilesis palmata (THUNB.) MAXIM.; Chrysanthemum boreale MAKINO; Aster spathulifolius MAXIM.; Viburnum carlesii HEMSL.; Lonicera harai MAKINO; Weigela florida (BUNGE) A. DC. II : The plants derived from the Chinese mother stock : tentatively named as Chinese element, including Central Chinese element. Taraxacum japonicum KOIDZ.**; Senecio nikoensis MIQ.**; Carpesium rosulatum MIQ.** (Strictly speaking, the present species is not endemic to Japan, since it occurs in Quelpart Island); Pertya glabrescens SCH.-BIP.; Lactuca sororia MIQ.; Lapsana humilis (THUNB.) MAKING; Taraxacum formosanum KITAM.; Viburnum furcatum BL. ex MIQ.; V. wrightii MIQ.; V. dilatatum THUNB.; V. erosum THUNB.; Lonicera vidalii FR. et SAV.; Zabelia integrifolia (KOIDZ.) MAKINO ex HISAUCHI et HARA**. III : The plants of the tropical and southern origin. A. The southern origin. Rhynchospermum verticillatum REINW.; Bidens biternata (LOUR.) MERR. et SHERFF. ex SHERFF.; Adenostemma lavenia (L.) O. KUNTZE; Hemistepta lyrata BUNGE; Albizia julibrissin DURAZZ.; Caesalpinia sepiaria ROXB. var. japonica (SIEB.) HAND.-MZT. ex HONDA; Cassia mimosoides L. subsp. nomame (SIEB.) OHASHI; Euchresta japonica HOOK. f. ex REGEL**; Aeschynomene indica L. B. The plants derived from the Ryukyu and Satsunan mother stock : tentatively named as Southwest element, excluding the plants in the Bonin Islands. Lonicera affinis HOOK. et ARN. Every element cited above, however, has an intricate pattern as to its distribut
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