- 論文の詳細を見る
In the Institute for Nature Study, National Science Museum in Tokyo, we surveyed the floristic composition and structure of three forest types, dominated by Shiia sieboldii, Quercus serrata, and Cornus controversa, using the same methods as Numata and Tezuka (1966), and Tezuka (1970). We studied the same plots as Numata and Tezuka (1966) for S. sieboldii forest and Q. serrata forest. For C. controversa forest, we could not find the same plot in which Tezuka (1970) studied; however, the location of the plot was guessed and a new plot was established on the slope around the bog located on the northern part of the Museum. Comparisons were made between the data set collected by the present authors, Numata and Tezuka (1966), and Tezuka (1970). For the Q, serrata forest, the species richness decreased from 1O to 3 in the subcanopy layer and from 22 to 1 in the upper shrub layer. Deciduous broad-leaved species has disappeared, and evergreen broad-1eaved species such as Neolitsea sericea increased. The component of seedlings was dominated by the evergreerl species such as N. sericea and Aucuba japonica. These results all suggests the forest structure has been changed from deciduous to evergreen type. For the S. sieboldii forest, the canopy composition has been changed from S. sieboldii dominant to the mixture of Ilex integra, Machilus thunbergii and Idesia polycarpa, due to the fallen down of the large S. sieboldii individual. The subcanopy layer was composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees such as Prunus grayana and Aphananthe aspera. Many seedlings of S. sieboldii were growing on the forest floor. This forest would gradually recover to the original evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by S. sieboldii. For the C. cantroversa forest, both canopy and subcanopy layers were composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees such as C. controversa and P. grayana. Eurya japonica and A. japonica dominated in the shrub layer and on the forest floor. Seedlings and saplings of both S. sieboldii and M. thunbergii were growing well. In the future, this forest type would change to the mixed forest with evergreen bload-leaved and deciduous trees. It was generally suggested that the three forest types studied were changing to the evergreen broad-1eaved forests that are considered the climatic climax in the studied area. This trend was shown by the decreased deciduous species and the increased evergreen broad-leaved species. The trees increased their dominance were mainly bird-dispersed species, which was the common feature of the isolated forests in the urban area. This trend would be more obvious in the feature, and a long term study would be necessary to clarify this trend.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 2001-12-10
福嶋 司
福嶋 司
木村 研一
福嶋 司
福嶋 司/木村
福嶋 司
福嶋 司
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