Moss type LNG船のタンクシステムの振動に関する研究
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In addition to ordinary vibration study in conventional ships, study on the following vibration is necessary in Moss type LNG carrier in order to avoid damages in structures and equipments caused by critical vibration as a result of resonance of structures with blade frequency. 1) Vibration of tank system including spherical tank, skirt and foundation deck. 2) Vibration of spherical tank, i. e., spherical shell. 3) Vibration of tank cover, dome at upper part of spherical tank, pipe tower in spherical tank, etc. The natural frequency of the vibration in item 3) can be easily estimated, and it can be changed by small modification of design, and that of the spherical tank vibration in item 2) was already obtained by our detailed study so far. As for the vibration of the tank system in item 1), on the other hand, it seems that there is not any established estimating method of the natural frequency and the vibration response. The present papers deal with the study on the vibration of the tank system for a 128, 600 m^3 Moss type LNG carrier which we will build. First, we have made a theoretical calculation on an ideal mathematical model considering coupled vibration of tank system and hull. In order to verify the calculation method, we have carried out vibration experiment using a 1/20 scale model ship, and the experimental results were compared with the theoretical calculation on the 1/20 scale model, and reasonable agreement has been confirmed. Then, using the calculation method, we have estimated actual ship's natural frequency and vibration response, and studied a possibility of resonance of the tank system vibration with blade frequency and a relation between the vibration acceleration of tank and blade frequency. By these studies, it has become possible to determine the number of propeller blade.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
吉田 昌平
川上 肇
川上 肇
川上 肇
安川 度
中村 昭和
中村 昭和
小島 誠吾
大西 登喜夫
安川 度
吉田 昌平
安川 度
川崎重工業 技術開発本部
大西 登喜夫
大西 登喜夫
安川 度
川崎重工業 (株) 技術研究所
川上 肇
川崎重工業 (株) 技術研究所
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