生理学的薬物速度論, アニマルスケールアップそして薬物作用推移の予測
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1987-06-01
花野 学
花野 学
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
花野 学
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
花野 学
東京大学 薬
- Binding of Human Epidermal Growth Factor to Tissue Homogenates of the Rat(Pharmaceutical,Chemical)
- インドメサシンの生物薬剤学的研究(第1報) : 家兎における, 静脈内投与時の血漿中濃度の解析, および十二指腸内投与時の剤形と吸収の関連性について
- The Conjugative Metabolism of 4-Methylumbelliferone and Deconjugation to the Parent Drug Examined by Isolated Perfused Liver and in Vitro Liver Homogenate of Rats
- The Concept of "Conformation" and the "Combinatorial Approach" for Parameter Estimation in a Multi-compartment Model System
- Studies on Ligand Binding Properties of Z-Fraction from Rat Liver Cytosol using 1-Anilino-8-Naphthalenesulfonate
- Pharmacokinetic Studies of Biliary Excretion. IV. The Relationship between the Biliary Excretion Behavior and the Elimination from Plasma of Azo Dyes and Triphenylmethane Dyes in Rat
- インドメサシンの生物薬剤学的研究(第2報) : ラット小腸管吸収機構およびヒト経口投与時における微粉化製剤の利用率
- クロラムフエニコール親水性高分子化合物共沈物の溶解性と消化管吸収
- Dose-Dependent Hepatic Handling of l-Propranolol Determined by Multiple Indicator Dilution Method : Influence of Tissue Binding of l-Propranolol on Its Hepatic Elimination
- 薬物の金魚への取り込み速度論(第3報)Salicylic Acid, Benzoic Acid, PhenolおよびPhenobarbitalの排泄
- Generalized Consideration of Administration Route Dependence of Drug Disposition and Use of Urinary Data for Prediction of the Dependence
- Biliary Excretion Behavior Difference of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds between Portal Vein and Femoral Vein Infusion in Rat
- The Influence of Glucagon on the Hepatic Transport of Taurocholate in Isolated Perfused Rat Liver : Kinetic Analysis by the Multiple Indicator Dilution Technique
- Conjugative Metabolism of 4-Methylumbelliferone in the Rat Liver : Verification of the Sequestration Process in Multiple Indicator Dilution Experiments(Pharmaceutical,Chemical)
- Infusion Rate-Dependent Positive Inotropic Action of Ouabain in Rabbits(Pharmaceutical)
- Effect of Urea on Intestinal Absorption of Salicylic Acid, Benzoic Acid and Aminopyrine in Rat
- 薬物の金魚への取込み速度論 (第2報) Benzoic Acid, Phenol Phenobarbital および Pentobarbitalの取込み
- 薬物の金魚への取り込みの速度論(第1報)水層のpH変化およびPolyethylene Glycol 6000,Urea添加によるSalicylic Acid取り込み速度への影響
- Hepatic Drug Clearance Model : Comparison among the Distributed, Parallel-Tube and Well-Stirred Models
- 臨床医から観た剤形
- Kinetic Evaluation of Pharmacological Effects Based on Allosteric Coupling of the Benzodiazepine/γ-Aminobutyric Acid_A Receptor in the Brain
- Kinetic Evaluation for Measurement of in Vivo Receptor Occupancy by Psychotropic Drug in Brain : Implication for Human Studies
- 日米合同薬学大会開催へ
- 薬物相互作用に関するPharmacokinetics : 血漿中のChlorzoxazoneの濃度変化におよぼすZoxazolamineの影響
- ラットにおけるスルピリンの吸収, 代謝, 排泄におよぼす投与経路の影響について
- ラットにおけるスルピリンの投与量の代謝, 排泄速度におよぼす影響について
- ラットにおけるスルピリンの代謝および排泄の速度論
- Pharmacokinetic Aspects of Elimination from Plasma and Distribution to Brain and Liver of Barbiturates in Rat
- Thiamine Derivatives of Disulfide Type. XIV. Kinetic Studies on the Reaction between Thiamine and Propyl Propane-Thiolsulfinate or -Thiolsulfonate
- スルピリンの吸収, 代謝, 排泄に関する速度論的研究 : 静注後のラット尿中代謝物の動態
- In Vivo and In Vitro Fates of 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives in Rat
- Effects of Albumin and α_1-Acid Glycoprotein on the Transport of Imipramine and Desipramine through the Blood-Brain Barrier in Rats(Pharmaceutical)
- Construction of a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model to Describe the Hepatobiliary Excretion Process of Ligands : Quantitative Estimation of Intracellular Diffusion
- Identification of Tissues Responsible for the Conjugative Metabolism of Liquiritigenin in Rats : An Analysis Based on Metabolite Kinetics
- 日本薬学会奨励賞受賞杉山雄一氏の業績
- 生理学的薬物速度論, アニマルスケールアップそして薬物作用推移の予測
- オクテット
- A Route Dependent Bioavailability in Active Metabolite Suggested in Riboflavin-5'-Phosphate Pharmacokinetics
- 薬物の吸収ならびに排泄に関する研究(第12報) : サルファ剤の尿排泄に関する速度論的研究
- 「人における薬理試験の諸問題」のパネルを読んで
- 生物薬剤学の現況と将来
- 医薬品における添加剤の役割と機能
- Data analysis and evaluation of variation moments during multidrug combined therapy using delay model method.
- Relative Bioavailability of Prazosin Hydrochloride Tablet in Man
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacodynamical model of BSP, BSP glutathione bodies in rats.