薬物の金魚への取り込み速度論(第3報)Salicylic Acid, Benzoic Acid, PhenolおよびPhenobarbitalの排泄
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Excretion rate constants of salicylic acid, benzoic acid, phenol, and phenobarbital from goldfish under various conditions, i.e., high and low drug concentration in outer solution, with or without urea, were compared. Since excretion rate obtained from absorption experiment with a high drug concentration of an outer solution was larger than that from excretion experiment in lower drug concentration, the drug in the outer solution might promote the excretion. Addition of urea in outer solution also promoted the excretion and this effect was also larger in the absorption experiment than in the excretion experiment.
- 1976-06-25
花野 学
崎谷 陽子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Tokushima University Of Arts And Science
崎谷 陽子
梅沢 伸昭
花野 学
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
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