A sensitive Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Human Serum Albumin with Chrome-azurol S Aluminium Chelate
- 論文の詳細を見る
A simple and highly sensitive method for the determination of serum albumin based on the formation of a ternary complex from chrome-azurol S aluminium chelate was developed. A nonionic detergent, polyethylene glycol-p-nonylphenyl ether n=10,acted as a stabilizer of the ternary complex in the present system. The formation of the ternary complex caused a large increase in absorbance at 630 nm, and the calibration curve was linear between 10 and 200 μg of albumin in the final colored solution (8.0 ml). The sensitivity of the present method was about eight times that of a bromcresol green control method. Heparin and bilirubin did not interfere with the determination.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1986-02-25
斎藤 寛
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
尾堂 順一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
田中 善正
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
御船 正樹
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
斎藤 寛
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
御舩 正樹
斎藤 寛
奥田 秀毅
金綱 敦子
Faculty of Phamaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
奥田 秀毅
Shionogi & Co., Ltd.,
奥田 秀毅
御舩 正樹
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
金網 敦子
田中 善正
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University:(present Address)department Of Biochemistry Co
金綱 敦子
Faculty Of Phamaceutical Sciences Okayama University
御船 正樹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
御船 正樹
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
田中 善正
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
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