皮下移植卵巣の機能の周期性I : progesterone, reserpine, chlorpromazineによる周期性の誘導
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As a procedure for studying the mechanism involved in sexual periodicity, an experiment was undertaken to ascertain whether the irregular estrous cycles in ovariectomized female rats bearing subcutaneous ovarian grafts were capable of recovering the regular cyclicity by periodic injections of progesterone, reserpine, or chlorpromazine. From the day of operation, six groups of the rats were given every four days subcutaneous injections of 0.4mg and 2.0mg of progesterone, 0.1mg and 0.5mg of reserpine and 0.1mg and 0.5mg of chlorpromazine, respctively, for 40 days. Vaginal smears were compared with similarly operated rats not subjected to any further treatment, it was evident that an isochronal 4-day rhythm was established as early as about 10 to 20 days after the beginning of the injection in progesterone or reserpine-receiving animals, especially in rats given 2mg of progesterone, and furthermore, such a vaginal cyclicity was continued isochronally for long time even after the injection period.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1972-09-25
斉藤 喬士
斉藤 喬士
斉藤 喬士
斉藤 喬士
本間 征人
前川 久太郎
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