Complexity Reduction of the Gazelle and Snyders Decoding Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Decoding(Coding Theory)(<Special Section>Information Theory and Its Applications)
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Several reliability based code search algorithms for maximum likelihood decoding have been proposed. These algorithms search the most likely codeword, using the most reliable information set where the leftmost κ (the dimension of code) columns of generator matrix are the most reliable and linearly independent. Especially, D Gazelle and J. Snyders have proposed an efficient decoding algorithm and this algorithm requires small number of candidate codewords to find out the most likely codeword. In this paper, we propose new efficient methods for both generating candidate codewords and computing metrics of candidate codewords to obtain the most likely codeword at the decoder. The candidate codewords constructed by the proposed method are identical those in the decoding algorithm of Gazelle et al. Consequently, the proposed decoding algorithm reduces the time complexity in total, compared to the decoding algorithm of Gazelle et al. without the degradation in error performance.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2003-10-01
YAGI Hideki
Media Network Center, Waseda University
Yagi Hideki
Waseda Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Yagi Hideki
Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hirasawa S
Waseda Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Hirasawa Shigeichi
The Department Of Industrial And Management Systems Engineering Waseda University
Yagi H
Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center Tokyo Institute Of Technology
平沢 茂一
Faculty of Engineering, Shonan Institute of Technology
YAGI Hideki
the Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, School of Science and Engineering,
the Department of Information Science, School of Engineering, Shonan Institute of Technology
Kobayashi M
Faculty Of Engineering Shonan Institute Of Technology
Yasumoto H
Research Center For Quantum Effect Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hirasawa Shigeichi
School Of Creative Science And Eng. Waseda University
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