Basic Properties of Magnetostrictive Actuators Using Tb-Fe and Sm-Fe Thin Films (Special Issue on Micromachine Technology)
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A new magnetostrictive thin-film cantilever actuator and a new thin-film walking mechanism were developed. The actuators were made of magnetostrictive amorphous Tb-Fe and Sm-Fe thin films, deposited on the opposite sides of a polyimide film substrate. These actuators need not power supply cables because they were remotely driven by external magnetic fields. The static deflection of a 3-mm-long cantilever actuator was as large as 100μm at 300 Oe field. Moreover the application of ac resonant frequency field of the same intensity yielded deflection of above 500μm. The walking mechanism ran as fast as in the order of cm/s. The forward and backward running were possible depending on the frequency of applied magnetic field. Such unique characteristics suggest that magnetostrictive thin-film actuators are useful in MEMS applications.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1997-02-25
Honda Takashi
Research Institute and Hospital. National Cardiovascular Center
Honda T
Kohgakuin Univ. Tokyo Jpn
HONDA Takashi
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Arai Ken
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Masahiro
Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku Univ.
Yamaguchi M
Kure National Coll. Of Technol. Kure‐shi Jpn
Yamaguchi Masahiro
Research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka University:science Research Center Hosei University
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