MS2-2 Androgen metabolizing enzymes in the nervous system
ITO Takao
Department of Psychiatry, Imaise Branch, Ichinomiya City Hospital
伊藤 隆明
神奈川県立循環器呼吸器病センター 呼吸器科
UEYAMA Takashi
Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Wakayama Medical University
Ueyama Takashi
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Ueyama T
Laboratory Of Food Chemistry Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Division Of Bioresource And
Tsuruo Yoshihiro
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Wakayama Medical University
Department of Anatomy, Wakayama Medical College
Ueyama Takashi
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University School Of Medicine
Uehara Takashi
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Uehara Takashi
School Of Allied Health Sciences Osaka University Faculty Of Medicine
Uehara Takashi
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University School Of Medicine
Ito Takao
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Tsuruo Yoshihiro
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Shirasawa Nobuyuki
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Tsuruo Y
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
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- MS2-2 Androgen metabolizing enzymes in the nervous system
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- Author's Reply(Animal Model of 'Tako-Tsubo' Cardiomyopathy : Update)
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- 1 Preventive Effects of Estrogen and B Blocker on Stress-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction in a Experimental Rat Model(Is Stress a Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?,Symposium 22 (SY-22) (I),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
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- 2 Experimental Findings of Takotsubo Disease(ESC-JCS Joint Symposium "Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspect of Takotsubo Disease", The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
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