Biodegradation of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Released from Phytoplankton in Lake Biwa
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-07-10
伊永 隆史
公立大学法人首都大学東京 大学院理工学研究科
Yamada Etsu
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Yamada Etsu
Center For Environmental Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Fuse Y
Kyoto Inst. Of Technol. Kyoto Jpn
Fuse Yasuro
Center For Environmental Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Uehara Takashi
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Ohara Shinya
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Aoki Shinichi
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Aoki Shinichi
Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute (lberi)
HIROTA Takaaki
Department of Chemistry and Material Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry and Material Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Hatori Naoko
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Hirota Takaaki
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Uehara Takashi
Department Of Chemistry And Material Technology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
伊永 隆史
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