Effect of suramin on cdc2 kinase activity of the purified enzyme and from the crude extracts from lung cancer cells
Saijo N
Division Of Internal Medicine National Cancer Center Hospital East
Saijo Nagahiro
Saijo N
Medical Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital
Nishio K
Department Of Genome Biology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Kuzuya Nobuaki
国立医薬食品衛生研究所 薬物応答予測プロジェクト
Pharmacology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Saijo Nagahiro
Pharmacology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Pharmacology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Department of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital
Bojanowski Okrzystof
Institut Gustave Roussy, Laboratoire de Biochimie et de Physicochimie Macromoleculaire CNRS URA
Fukuda Minoru
Pharmacology Divisionof National Cancer center Reserch Institute
Larsen Annette
Institut Gustave Roussy, Laboratoire de Biochimie et de Physicochimie Macromoleculaire CNRS URA
Bojanowski Okrzystof
Institut Gustave Roussy Laboratoire De Biochimie Et De Physicochimie Macromoleculaire Cnrs Ura:pharm
Larsen Annette
Institut Gustave Roussy Laboratoire De Biochimie Et De Physicochimie Macromoleculaire Cnrs Ura:pharm
Ogasawara H
Pharmacology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Ogasawara Hayato
Ogasawara Hayato
Pharmacology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Nishio Kazuto
Pharmacology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Saijo Nagahiro
Pharmacology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Fukuda Minoru
Department Of Medical Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital
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