高エネルギー速度成形法によって作製した不銹鋼金属床義歯の 1 例
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1) The authors made a metal base denture for a patient suffering from an offensive heat shock caused by an acrylic resin denture, a poor heat-conducting material during daily meals for the last three years. The new metal denture resulted in eliminating such an offensive heat shock and has almost relieved him of fear for taking hot food and drink. 2) For the metal base of the denture a sheet of stainless steel of 0.4 mm in thickness was employed, which was hard, strong, dimensionally stable, and very inexpensive. The procedure for making the denture plate required only one-stage forming opration ; a new method for dental use, by high energy rate forming, using explosive energy and epoxy resin die. 3) The method was not so expensive as the conventional swaging technique, and moreover it was not so troublesome.
- 1968-12-30
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