天然林と人工林に人為的につけ加えられたマイマイガLymantria disparの死亡要因
- 論文の詳細を見る
The mortality factors of an experimentally established population were observed and analysed in order to elucidate the control factors which stabilize an insect population during periods of low density. The larvae of L.dispar were placed on birch trees (Betula ermanii var. communis) surrounded by one hectare unstocked space in a natural forest zone in Hokkaido, on larch trees (Larix leptolepis) which were planted in a natural forest, and on birch trees (B.platyphylla) in a 100 hectare larch plantation. The distance between the B.ermanii var. communis and L.leptolepis stands in the natural forest was about 100m, and 6km between the larch plantation and the natural forest. Although more than 90% of the larvae on B.ermanii var. communis or B.platyphylla were killed in one month from June to July, only about 65% of the larvae were killed on L.leptolepis in the natural forest. The larvae on the larch trees in the natural forest were not preyed upon by birds. The differences in mortality among the stands seemed to be caused mainly bird plundering. The Gordioidea parasite was found on about 20% of the larvae on the birch trees, but was not observed in other stands. All the stands were plagued by a species of dipterous parasite which caused high mortality and showed a tendency of density-dependency.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1975-12-25
- ヤツバキクイムシのトラップ捕獲数に及ぼすイプセノールの影響
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- 331 マツ樹上におけるオオカマキリのマツカレハの捕食者としての役割(一般講演)
- 天然林と人工林に人為的につけ加えられたマイマイガLymantria disparの死亡要因
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- シラホシゾウ属(SHIRAHOSHIZO spp.)3種の餌木をめぐる比較生態学的研究(II)
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- シラホシゾウ属(Shirahoshizo spp.) : 3種の餌木をめぐる比較生態学的研究(III)
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- 621.風害におけるヤツバキクイの棲息数の変動(森林保護)(第71回日本林学会大会)
- 35. 北海道産ツガカレハの生活史について(昭和31年度日本農学会大会専門部会)
- トドマツに寄生するキクイムシの越冬について(予報)
- R31 森林昆虫の多発性と被害予知(発生予察・被害解析・防除技術)
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