- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper, the writers describe the results of the experiments on the varietal difference of the resistance of cucumber to the anthracnose disease. Cucurbita moschata and C. maxima were also used in comparison. 1. The inoculation experiments on mature leaves proved that all the varieties of cucumber used were invaded by the causal fungus. The squashes, however, were not affected by the present disease. Judging from the number of lesions in unit area of the inoculated leaves, some varieties, such as Tsuda-Sanjaku (津田三尺), Sekino No. 2 (関野2号), Sakata-Pickle, Taiwan-Kema (台湾毛馬) and wild cucumber were comparatively resistant, and Su-Yo (四葉), Kachu-Zairai (華中在来), Nisshi-Aonaga (日支青長), and San-To (山東) were susceptible, showing 10-15 times more spots than the former. 2. The varietal difference in the susceptibility was recognized also by inoculating spores on cotyledons. In this case the significant difference was not deteced more clearly than in mature leaves. The cotyledons of Shirokikuza, a variety of C. moschata, was also affected. Mature leaves in this variety. however, were not attacked completely. 3. The degree of developing area of spots in leaves was hardly recognized between the cucumber varieties used. 4. In the expressed sap of cotyledons of every variety the conidia germination was accelerated, and the hyphae entered into the epidermal cells developed well in every variety. In these host tissues any different reaction accompaning the necrosis and discoloration of cells was not observed, only showed at first a water-soaked appearance of the spot. From these results, all the cells of the cucumber varieties used may be in a strongly susceptible condition to the anthracnose. 5. The conidia of the causal fungus germinated well in water drops gathered from the surface of cotyledons, showing no difference between the varieties. On the cotyledons of squash the germination and the appressoria formation of conidia were also recognized. 6. The degree of penetrating hypha formation from the appressoria, formed on cotyledons of cucumcer, differed significantly among the varieties. Between the degree of penetrating hypha formation and the number of spots per unit area there is a high correlation. This presumably accounts for the difference in the susceptibility of cucumber varieties, and the susceptibility may be attributed to the resistance to the invasion of epidermis.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1957-11-30
- イネごま葉枯病に関する病理解剖学的研究 : IV. 感染による葉緑体の微細構造変化
- イネごま葉枯病に関する病理解剖学的研究 : II. 子葉鞘に侵入した菌糸の微細構造
- イネごま葉枯病に関する病理解剖学的研究 : 1. 病原菌のイネ苗子葉鞘上での行動とその微細構造
- イネごま葉枯病菌菌糸およびいもち病菌菌糸の微細構造
- 窒素およびカリ施用量がイネごま葉枯病菌の宿主侵入に及ぼす影響
- 生體原形質の能動的抵抗性機構に關する研究 : III 抵抗性並に罹病性植物組織の酸化還元電位差に就て (昭和26年度大會(第22囘日本農學大會))
- イネの葉枯れ,穂枯れ現象とそれらを原因する病原菌 II : タイ・マレーシアおよび台湾産罹病穂からの分離菌
- イネ褐色葉枯病菌によるイネ葉の感染機構
- (32) 土壌病害の微生物的防除に関する研究 (第2報) : スミリンユーキデルマの土壌病害に対する2, 3の実験 (関西部会講演要旨)
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- 植物遺体上における菌類の移りかわり(succession)に関する最近の研究(II)
- 植物遺体上における菌類の移りかわり(succession)に関する最近の研究(1)
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- 材質腐朽に関する研究 : 第9報 ブナ枕木のCreosote注入と材の腐朽に就いて
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- 2・4-D廢液の木材防腐剤としての利用
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- 426.材質腐朽におよぼす土壤菌の影響
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- B 作物 : 東南アジア諸国における作物の病害 (東南アジア農業技術シンポジウム特集号)
- 感染機作研究の諸問題
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- 病原菌培養の長期保存法について
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