Specific Expression and Temperature-Dependent Expression of the Acid Protease-Encoding Gene (pepA) in Aspergillus oryzae in Solid-State Culture (Rice-Koji)
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The synthesis of acid protease in rice-koji is important for sake brewing. Northern blot analysis was carried out to study the transcriptional regulation of acid protease-encoding gene (pepA) in Aspergillus oryzae. The pepA gene was not expressed in submerged culture, while it was expressed when cultured on steamed rice. Additionally, the culture at high temperature (>38℃) caused a marked decrease in transcription level of pepA, although the α-amylase (amyB) and actin genes were expressed regardless of the temperature. To examine whether the pepA promoter controlled the temperature-dependent expression, the promoter regions of pepA and amyB were introduced into a vector containing the GUS reporter gene (uidA gene). Northern blot analysis showed that the elevation of culture temperature caused the loss of uidA expression in the pepA promoter-uidA transformant but not in the amyB promoter-uidA transformant. These results suggest that its promoter controlled the temperature-dependent expression of pepA.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2002-06-20
Furukawa K
General Res. Lab. Of Kiku‐masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd. Kobe Jpn
Furukawa K
Kiku‐masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd. Hyogo Jpn
Furukawa K
General Research Laboratory Of Kiku-masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
Hara S
General Research Laboratory Of Kiku-masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
Hara Shodo
Office Of Technical Officers Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau
Hara Shodo
General Research Laboratories Of Kiku-masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
General Research Laboratories of Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co.Ltd.
Furukawa Keiji
General Research Laboratories Of Kiku-masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
General Research Laboratory of Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
General Research Laboratory of Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
Hara Shodo
General Research Labolatories Of Kiku-masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
Kitano Hideyuki
General Research Laboratory Of Kiku-masamune Sake Brewing Co. Ltd.
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