家庭科の指導内容に関する意識調査(第1報) : 工的領域の内容に対する必要度について
- 論文の詳細を見る
This reseach aimed to access to the building of a desirable curriculum in the future for the field of enginery in Homemaking Education through the surveying the teachers' conception of it. The questionnaire was sent to 600 teachers of Homemaking Education of the elementary, junior high and senior high schools and supervisors. The rate of effective reply was 51.1%. The first report dealed with the necessity for enginery education. Results of this research were : 1) The teachers of junior high school recognized positively the necessity of the going enginery education. 2) For girls the necessity was found in household machines, household electric apparatus and the better selection of household enginery articles which contained woodwork and metalwork. 3) For boys, compared with girls, the necessity was found in metalwork and internal combustion engine.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1977-05-31
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- 家庭科の指導内容に関する意識調査(第1報) : 工的領域の内容に対する必要度について