A204 CAを用いた都市バス交通シミュレーション(交通流)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the city bus transportation system, bus lanes are usually taken at the shoulder of the road for the installation of a bus stop and a passenger's getting on and off. Therefore, the driving schedule of the busses is strongly influenced of road repairing, the car parking and so on. This is one of the main reasons why the bus users decrease gradually. For overcoming this difficulty, the central bus-lane system is introduced at Shin-Kodeki line of Nagoya city bus. Since, in this case, the bus lanes are taken at the central side of the road, the influence of the road repairing and the car parking is negligible and therefore, the busses may be driven in the exact time-scheme. Recently, the importance of the public transportation system increases as the ecological interest increase. It is very important for increasing the bus users that the busses can drive on the schedule. This paper describes the simulation of the city bus transportation system by using the cellular automata to examine the features of the central bus-lane system. The central and the road-shoulder bus lane systems are simulated by the scheme using the cellular automata. The roads are divided into small cells, which have the existence of the cars as the state quantity. The quantity is updated by the local rule, which is defined according to the existence of the cars on cells, the driving direction of cars, the car lane and the distance between a car and an intersection. The features of the central and the road-shoulder bus lane systems are compared at the points of the amount of the car traffic and the mean velocity of the bus. Finally, the following conclusions are obtained. The amount of the car traffic decreases in the case of the central bus lane system because one of the lanes is occupied with the busses. The mean velocity of the bus is reduced in the case of the road-shoulder bus lane system because of the intrusion of the cars into the bus lane.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-11-14
玉城 龍洋
北 英輔
北 英輔
北 英輔
桂田 善弘
玉城 龍洋
大内 学
大内 学
北 英輔
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