人の部品供給作業に学ぶ自動化技術 : 部品供給作業の習熟特性の解明(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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The establishment of low-cost and multi-functional automation technologies are still indispensable to the industry today to keep up cost competitiveness. This study sheds light on the human advantages in production environment : dexterity and flexibility with which the human performs most complicated and difficult tasks. This gives a clue to a new approach to automation. Especially, this paper focuses on the human task learning characteristics in parts supplying operation for assembling task, the area where automation is not full-fledged yet. In this paper, first, the three remarkable human characteristics concerning searching and gripping of a part are extracted. Next, based on these characteristics, a low-cost automation system and the development theme are newly proposed.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-09-25
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